Water Softeners
We provide a one-time installation fee for Water Softeners. These Softeners are installed directly into your main water line. Softening your water is really great and beneficial for your home. Here are a few examples of why Softening your water is an amazing choice:
It takes away unwanted iron that stains your water fixtures and gives your water a metallic taste.
Calcium and Magnesium combined with soap and shampoo creates a film that retains dirt and bacteria and causes dryness on your skin and scalp. Softening your water removes this film on your body.
Hard water can cause unseen scale formation in your plumbing fixtures and can reduce water flow. A Water Softener can reduce this buildup
Without a Water Softener, cleaning agents it detergents, grease and oil in dirty laundry water can form soap curds in regular water.
Brochure: Water Softener